Mission Statement

Come read my attempt to chronicle the 2.5 months of studying/traveling/learning/growing and all kinds of other verbs that end in "ing" I do while in London.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I am officially in London! I am sitting in my bed, in my flat, waiting for the next part of my journey to begin (we have orientation today).

My flight was pretty good, considering. I flew Virgin Atlantic. They fed us dinner and breakfast for free (and the food was halfway ok). Each seat had its own tv screen and we had over 60 movies to choose from and tons of tv shows. This totally saved my life. I ended up watching Thor, Rio, and Bridesmaids. Of the three, Thor was my favorite, when it seemed to end as fast as it began, despite the 2 hour run time. I would go on, but hey, this isn't a movie review blog, it is a travel blog, so I better keep focused ;)

I had a window seat (luckily) and made friends with the girl sitting next to me. She is part of the program I am in, her name is Erika and we made lots of small chat in between movie watching (she can't really sleep on planes either). Whenever she would get up, I would get up, that way I stretched my legs plenty and avoided having to bother her to get up on my own later.

When we started our descent to Heathrow, I was able to see all of the adorable English buildings and double decker busses. It started my excitement, which was soon squashed by having to sit in a queue for over an hour just to get into the country. We landed about 3:50pm but didn't make it out of the airport until well after 6. To get in the country, we got to go in a special "students" line, but there was only one guy working it. He seemed to be arguing with everyone (which was not only holding up the line, but kind of scary). He then decided to leave and not say anything, so no joke, we sat there, not being helped for a good ten minutes before someone official noticed.

We traveled into the city by a chartered bus, or "coach". I had way too much fun noticing the drivers were all sitting on the opposite sides of the car (and of course the driving on the opposite side of the street). I also loved looking at all of the buildings here. The new ones are gorgeous and the old ones range from beautiful to quaint and cute.

The traffic here is a free for all. Cars, bikes, and people dart in and out of the streets. Thank god I am not driving. I was convinced we were going to take a few people out at various points of our drive here.

I met my roomate late last night, and had dinner with her and a couple of other people who live down the hall. We ate at this super small Italian place across the street (run by actual Italians). The food and atmosphere were great..and that ends any compliments I can give it lol.

I managed to unpack, shower, and get in bed by midnight.


  1. Yay! You have a blog! I'll be reading what you post. :) May you have a wonderful and safe travels!

  2. I'm so happy for you I hope you have tons of fun british adventures!!
