Mission Statement

Come read my attempt to chronicle the 2.5 months of studying/traveling/learning/growing and all kinds of other verbs that end in "ing" I do while in London.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Flat and Other Things

I just got back from grocery shopping. The store is 2 blocks away and is amazing. It has everything. Its like a super walmart but smaller and classier.
Now I am watching Doctor Who...on BBC1 in friggin England. How cool is that?

The reality shows here are weird...the commercial are solid gold though.
I thought I would share pics of my flat so everyone could get an idea of what I am living in. It is small and oldish, but clean, and everything seems to work, so that's good.
I LOVE my view. It isn't anything special. It is just random cluttered buildings, but when I look outside, I see London. I feel it.
It also helps that our windows are big and they open tall and there are no screens so I can poke my head out.
That view is from our main room.
Which is connected to our tiny, but equipped, kitchen
I share a bedroom with my roommate. (I just want to point out that my side is the clean side lol)
We also have a closet on the other side of that room that is thankfully big enough for both of our clothes.
It has been too hectic for me to take many pictures (and we haven't seen anything touristy yet anyway) but I did snap a picture of the building I was sitting next to while eating lunch...because, come on.
It was just randomly there amongst less pretty buildings. Oh London.
I also decided to get a phone here, since it proved to be much cheaper than using my AT&T phone, and it would be easier/cheaper to keep in contact with my friends here.
It was only about 20 pounds, and half of that is my first minutes pack. It is a pretty sad little phone though, very very old school. Here it is next to my iPhone.
The guy who sold it to us was super nice. He scoffed at us thinking their money is prettier than our money. He said he hates how the Queen is all over everything, and shudders at the thought of the future, when Charles becomes king and is plastered all over their money :D
Well, I should probably start getting ready for bed, we have a crazy sightseeing day tomorrow!

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